Di Sandro


Dethatching Bucks County With Di Sandro Landscape Group

Thatch will accumulate over time when pieces of grass on your lawn die and gather just above the soil. Small amount of thatch is beneficial to your yard by providing organic materials that allow your lawn to grow thicker and green. An excessive amount of thatch can be a problem, forming a barrier and preventing air and water from reaching grass where it needs it most.

How can I tell if my lawn is over compacted by thatch?

If you can’t easily insert a screwdriver into your lawn then your soil is over compacted, the layer of thatch may feel spongy when you walk on it.

Is Thatch Harmful To My Yard?

Thick thatch on your lawn can be a real problem. Not only does it block essential water and nutrients from reaching grass roots, but the trapped heat and moisture creates an ideal environment for pesky pests to thrive in- leading to increased risk of disease or insect damage. And if all this wasn’t enough, excess irrigation water becomes deadly when absorbed by thick layers of thatch – depriving root systems above crucial oxygen levels!

How does dethatching work?

Di Sandro Landscape Group will help you achieve the lawn of your dreams with their removal of a thick layer of decaying turf. By providing better access to air, water, fertilizers and essential nutrients below ground level – you can rest assured that not only will your grass look cleaner and healthier but it’ll also have improved drainage abilities for an enviable yard in comparison to all around!

Dethatching Bucks And The Surrounding Counties

We are proud to offer professional dethatching services in Bucks and Montgomery Counties. Our experts have years of experience in dethatching lawns and can help transform the look of your property.

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